More interviews. Better job offers.
We offer 4 pricing levels
LEVEL 1 (Easy):
1 Page Résumé $150 | 2 Page Résumé $300 | Extra Pages $150/page | Cover Letter $150
Apprentice Tradesperson, Bartender, Cook, Customer Service Representative, Derrickhand, Heavy Equipment Operator, Floorhand, Motorhand, Server, Truck Driver, Warehouse Associate, and more
LEVEL 2 (More Complex):
2 page Résumé $400 | Extra Pages $200/page | Cover Letter $250 | Interview Coaching $150
New Post-secondary Graduate, Accountant, Administrative Assistant, Buyer/Purchaser, Driller, Executive Assistant, Firefighter, Foreman, Human Resources Advisor, Instrumentation Technician, Journeyman Automotive Technician, Journeyman Electrician, Journeyman Heavy Equipment Technician, Journeyman Millwright, Journeyman Plumber, Journeyman Steamfitter/Pipefitter, Journeyman Welder, Plant Operator, Process Operator, Safety Advisor, Sales Executive, Teacher, Technologist, Warehouse Supervisor, and more
To maximize ATS keyword matches, resumes are now more detailed than ever. To keep your résumé within budget, we will shorten all jobs that don't fit on 2 pages to one-line entries, unless you choose to purchase one or more additional pages. This choice must be made before booking the appointment, to ensure the final price is agreed upon before we start working on your file.
LEVEL 3 (Mid-Level Management & Other Complex Roles):
2 page Résumé $500-$750 (Call us for a quote) | Extra Pages $250/page | Cover Letter $300 | Interview Coaching $200 | LinkedIn Profile $600
Branch Manager, Construction Manager, Commissioning & Startup Coordinator, Financial Controller, Drilling Consultant, Engineer, Construction Superintendent, General Foreman, Human Resources Manager, Marketing Manager, Pipeline Consultant, Planning & Scheduling Coordinator, Project Control Analyst, Project Manager, Purchasing Manager, Retail Manager, Restaurant Manager, Rig Manager, Safety Manager, Sales Manager, Store Manager, Turnaround Coordinator, Warehouse Manager, and more
LEVEL 4 (Executives):
Two-Page Executive Résumé $1000-$1500 | Extra Pages $500 | Cover Letter $500 | Interview Coaching $250 | LinkedIn Profile $750
Level 4 resumes encompass all executive roles. These include CEO, CFO, COO, President, C-suite Executive, Vice President, Executive Director, Director, General Manager, Multi-Unit Manager, District Manager, Regional Manager, Operations Manager, and many more. Regardless of your job title, if you are the top person in the organization (perhaps reporting to the board of directors or to elected officials), the top rate will apply (unless you are self-employed with no employees).
If you are unsure where you fit on our fee scale, please call Julie for a quote at 780-488-1812.
What do you get?
All résumé clients receive the following:
A strategic, targeted high-impact résumé (see fee schedule above)
1-2 hour one-on-one telephone consultation (up to 3 hours for Level 4)
Optional cover letter (see fee schedule)
Optional job interview coaching (see fee schedule)
Microsoft Word and PDF files
Free LinkedIn Guide
Free Job Interview Guide
Sample Interview Questions
Free customizable Thank You Email Template
10 years of resume storage (in case of lost files or future updates)
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Most of our clients see a huge increase in the number of job interviews they get, and they happily refer their family and friends to us, knowing we will take care of them. They also trust us with their own resume updates.
Our success in getting people into interviews is due to our attention to detail in creating exceptionally well written, keyword rich résumés that are strategically positioned to fit a specific occupation. This is critical in getting you screened in by ATS keyword search algorithms if you are applying online.
To make sure you are 100% satisfied, any revisions needed to optimize the résumé, cover letter and/or LinkedIn content are included at no extra charge during the first 30 days after emailing you the first draft, provided that you are still targeting jobs in the same occupation.
If you decide to target more than one occupation, you may need more than one version. For example, a welder's résumé would be very different from a truck driver's résumé, even if it's for the same person. We would be happy to create additional versions, but an additional charge will apply. Please ask us for a quote for all the versions you want us to create. There may be significant cost savings on the additional versions, depending on how different they are from the original résumé we create for you.
An outstanding résumé can save you months of rejection.
Why not invest in yourself?